
An older version of the website surfaced long enough for me to grab the articles off from it and export them to this blog. Now you can read what I had to say about U.S. aid to Haiti after the 12 January 2010 earthquake, and various shenanigans that kept it from getting to its destination, as well as some small snippets of news. Enjoy!

In the meantime, I’ve just returned from the PantheaCon religious conference, where I offered a demonstration of part of a Vodou ceremony for the Lwa Danbala, and where I was asked to speak on Coru Cathubodua‘s excellent panel concerning sacrifice. There’s already been some conversation about this panel around the Internet, and I expect there may be more as more people get home and start getting their thoughts together. I have a few more things to say, too, but first I could use some sleep.

I’ve been trying to make my Internet life a little easier. Not having three different blogs to keep track of is a significant part of that. Sure, there’ll be more things than just Vodou things to read about on the new blog… however, then it gives you all more to be interested in – or you can just skip the things that don’t interest you.

From now on, you can catch this blog at Hope to see you there!